I discovered this ancient record player while cleaning out our grandmother’s attic. It was in bad shape, but as I plugged it in, it started turning. I wanted to try it because it has a direct drive motor, which will last a long time. Unfortunately, it had been in the attic without shielding for almost 20 years, and everything had rusted. Many folks are getting ready to go to the scrap yard.
But I wanted to do something with this record player because it belonged to my grandfather. So, happily, a few other record players were around, and I devised a plan to rebuild it. I was using pieces from other players and the original record player’s case and engine. I also wanted the player to have an antique appearance. As a result, the real work could begin.
Step 1: Take everything apart
Remove the platter, internal cover, and bottom protective case from the turntable.
Step 2: Examine
Examine the electronics for any possible issues.
Step 3: Electronics Replacement
Because electrolytic capacitors can begin to fail after around 20 years, you can replace them all.
Step 4: Capacitors
The circuit board has a number that corresponds to each capacitor. You can buy new capacitors online for a few dollars.
Step 5: Remove the solder.
You can use a wick or a solder sucker to desolder. You can heat the solder on a component before being sucked up with a solder sucker, a manual pump.
Step 6: Replace the old one.
Remove the old capacitor and put the new one in its place. It is insignificant to note that the capacitor has a positive and negative end, both identified on the circuit board and the capacitor.
Step 7: Apply the solder.
Tin the soldering iron’s tip entails applying some solder and cleaning away any excess. Now is the time to place the soldering iron tip on the capacitor lead. Fill the joint by touching the solder to the lead. Do not allow the solder to come into contact with the soldering iron tip.
Step 8: Designators of Reference
The manufacturer printed the capacitor on both sides of the circuit board. You can remove and replace the capacitor. Temporarily cover the capacitor with tape to keep it in place while soldering the other side.
Step 9: Trim
Trim the leads
Step 10: Solder
Solder the joint
Step 11: Track Weight
Using a gram scale, determine the weight of the tonearm. Adjust the counterweight until the tracking weight is correct. The manufacturer recommends a tracking weight of 1.25-1.75 for this stylus. Most turntables include settable counterweights that precisely without the use of a scale.
Step 12: Anti-skating
You should set the dial to the same weight as the tracking weight.
Step 13: Replace the Stylus
Remove the old stylus and replace it with the new one in the cartridge. Choosing Jico styli for replacements is always a safe bet.
Step 14: RCA Interconnects
If you wish to, you can also replace the RCA interconnects and solder them to the board. Replace the cables, but make sure they have a low capacitance.
When I put everything together and fine-tune it, it will perform incredibly well if you put in the effort and time.
You’ll be satisfied with the final result.